Rehabilitation for Youthful Offenders

Making mistakes is a part of childhood and youth. However, having a permanent record at a young age can create problems in the future. Your record follows you as you seek employment and apply for different licenses. But the mistakes of your past don’t have to affect your future. We encourage youthful offenders to take the charges against them seriously and to learn from their mistakes. Our goal is for the young to take control of the future by putting forth a solid defense to charges against them early in life.

Hawaii’s Office of Juvenile Justice and Delinquency Prevention (OJJDP) works to reduce juvenile crime and violence within the state. It also supports prevention and early intervention programs, which can have a real, positive impact on youthful offenders. It also seeks to protect public safety and hold offenders accountable for their actions.

We seek lenient or deferred sentences for young people. The combination of a first offense and your young age work in your favor. Upon showing that you take the matter seriously, you increase your chances of receiving the court’s mercy and obtaining a lighter sentence. Our talented criminal defense team provides education to minors while aggressively defending charges. The effective teaching and rehabilitation results in prevention of future offenses and puts the young on the road to a bright future.

Call today to schedule an appointment with a criminal defense attorney who knows how to navigate Hawaii’s court system. We offer flexible office hours and help minors and juveniles charged with crimes. Let our office handle your case and help you secure a future free from legal entanglements.
